Criminal Defence

We have extensive experience in defending clients from wide range of criminal charges. Our highly regarded Crime Defence Team provides expert legal advice on, and invaluable insight into, the prosecution and enforcement process of all aspects of criminal cases. Our criminal defence lawyers have either education background from police academies or former working experiences with law enforcement agencies which ensure the very best result in your criminal cases. Our services include:
▪ At the stage of criminal investigation: meet with criminal suspects, give legal advice, apply bail and complain;
▪ At the stage of criminal prosecution: examine and make copies of judicial documents and technical reports, meet and correspond with criminal suspects, collect evidences and contact prosecuting attorney;
▪ At the stage of trial: examine and make copies of all documents related to the case, meet and correspond with the defendant, collect evidences, attend the court hearing and argue for innocence of the defendant and pettiness of his crime;
▪ At the stage of death penalty review procedure: meet and correspond with the defendant, collect evidences, argue for innocence of the defendant, pettiness of his crime and denial of death penalty;
▪ Private prosecution cases: report and accuse crimes;
▪ Trial supervision cases: prepare complain materials, file a complain to supervision courts and defend in trial supervision cases;
▪ Incidental civil action: representation in the civil claims